The Rise of A Wealthy Man
Regardless of how much money one has, it seems that everyone wants even greater wealth. One way to accomplish this is through the growth of assets.
While there are many strategies that lead to asset growth, all of these strategies are really dependent on three things:
1. How much money one invests. Clearly, the more money you invest, the more likely you are to attain a significant level of assets.
• Are you investing all that you can?
2. The achieved growth rate on that money. The difference between earning 12% versus 8% over an extended period of time is significant.
• Can you deal with the risk that comes with higher returns? Are you willing to educate yourself to the necessary level to earn higher returns?
3. The length of time of the investment. Time plays a huge role in asset growth. On the average, your assets will double on their own approximately every 6-7 years with aggressive investment strategies.